Sunday 11 March 2012

Aura Workshop

Glad to say last nights talk went well, unfortunately few people couldn't make it but still about dozen people.
We discussed briefly the history of the Aura in art and iconography and the experience of representation. Also looking at cross cultural similarity in  time and geography.
We used a variety of methods to detect the auric field using dowsing rods with exercises in expanding our Aura to different points with our eyes closed to see it picked up using the the rods by our partner. 
Also we did another exercise using our hands to to sense the Aura while the partner we worked with whom had their eyes closed, detecting the hand in her Aura and finally  with our eyes to see the basic Aura and some discussion of colour and its meaning 
 Everybody went away having seen or sensed Aura's and was good fun evening with plenty of laughter, looking forward to next one which will be off site practical session in the countryside.

Thanks again to all whom made it, especially the new faces and to those whom didn't you were missed Xxx